Obtaining a Thai license

Thai Driver's License Acquisition Service

Take advantage of our expert service for obtaining Thai driver's licenses, providing a comprehensive range of support in this important matter.

Expert Knowledge

Individualized Approach

Accessibility and Convenience


Obtaining Car and Motorcycle Licenses

Whether you already have Russian driver’s licenses or not, we will provide you with everything you need for a successful acquisition of Thai driver’s licenses.

Individualized Approach: We tailor our services to meet your needs, providing personalized assistance at every stage.

Expert Guidance: Our experienced professionals in driver’s license acquisition ensure a smooth and efficient process for you.

Разносторонняя Поддержка: Мы поможем вам справиться с возможными сложностями, связанными с процессом получения тайских прав, включая языковые барьеры и местные нюансы.

Spend your time in Phuket with comfort

Our team of professionals is ready to help you fully enjoy your stay on the island

the car is parked on the side of the road on the right.

Stages of Service Provision


Initially, we will conduct a consultation with you to understand your current status and needs.

Document Collection

We will provide a list of required documents and assist you in preparing them. Our experts will help you fill out the application for obtaining Thai driver's licenses.

Theoretical Test

We will provide study materials for the theoretical test and, if necessary, organize training sessions.

Practical Exam

We will assist you in preparing for the practical exam, including on-road training sessions.

License Acquisition

After successfully completing all stages, we will accompany you to the office to obtain your Thai driver's license.

The only source of knowledge is experience

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